Flexbox Responsive Website Layout design


flexbox responsive layout

Hello friends, today I will share another code snippet based on Flexbox Responsive Website Layout design. In this project, I have tried to show a real-life example of a CSS flexbox layout with a responsive look. I have shared many CSS tricks and animation-based code snippets in this blog before. Make sure to check all of those if you want.

I have taken a header with an h2 tag and an anchor tag in the HTML part to create the web page's logo. Later I have taken an unordered list with the class name 'nav' for making our menu. I have created four menu items and linked the about, services, and contact section in the href with their id name. in this way, whenever we will click the menu item, it will go to that particular section. After that, I have taken an area named 'banner area for the homepage design. In that section, I have taken a div named 'banner-image for the main banner image.

I have also added some random text with an anchor tag for the call-to-action button. Next, I have taken another section with a class of 'about-area' and added a section title for the top of that particular section. Later taken an unordered list with the name of 'about-content' and placed two list items with the name of 'about left' and 'about-right' and this items will act as responsive flex items. I left the 'about-left' blank as I will place a background image in there. In the 'about-right,' i have put a header text, some random text in the p tag, and an anchor tag for the call to action button. The following section is named 'service-area.' I have also added the section title and an unordered list named 'services content.' I have placed a random font-awesome icon, a header, and some random text in a p tag in each li element. You have to add font-awesome CDN for the icon to appear. The following section is the contact section. The basic coding structure is the same as the previous section: a section title and an unordered list named 'contact-content' with three separate li elements. At the bottom, I have taken the footer tag with a random copyright text.

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in the CSS part, i have omitted the default margin-padding by giving 'margin:0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box to the universal selector. I have used Poppins as the base font for this snippet, but you can use any font of your choice. after that, I did some basic styling for the project's ul and anchor tag elements. for creating flexbox responsive layout, The initial step of any flexbox layout is to create a flex container. In our case, all the sections are acting as the container. The flex items are children of any flex container. I have given the section tag a display flex value and a flex-direction of column. I have added a default padding and align-items value for each element of the container. I have made some adjustments in CSS for a responsive look using media queries. To style the content of each section, I used CSS flex-basis,flex-wrap properties, and some basic CSS styling. Without further explanations, I am providing the code below so that you can have it.

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